How to Install Pro-Type (Single Leaf) Spring Bronze Weatherstrip

Shown is the 1-1/8" Pro Type weatherstrip. To install, position far enough away from the door stop so the weatherstrip can fold flat against the jamb without hitting the door stop. Nails must be placed 1-1/2" apart or closer. make sure to nail as close to the edge of the weatherstrip as possible, so long as the head of the nail is entirely on the weatherstrip. Do not nail too close to the crease.

The width of the Pro-Type weatherstrip should be smaller than the thickness of the door or window to be weatherstripped.
There is a crease about 3/16" away from one edge of the weatherstrip. The nails will go through the weatherstrip about 3/32" away from this edge. The other edge will then spring up about 3/16" from the door or window jamb.
The weatherstrip should be spaced by about a matchstick from the stop, allowing it to freely move.
The nails can be nailed about 1-1/2" apart.
On the sides, start at the top and work down. You can miter the corners slightly so they can spring up without binding against one another. The weatherstrip can be pieced at the hinges if it causes the hinges to bind. If there is a lock on a door, piece the weatherstrip around the strikeplate and use a lock strip to weatherstrip there.
For CURVED TOP doors, work with a helper. Partially cut the weatherstrip with a pair of tin snips, leaving the nailing portion uncut. Carefully nail the weatherstrip on and make more cuts as you go. The snip will curl the edges of the cut, so the bronze weatherstrip will naturally overlap. Make your cuts closer or farther apart depending on the radius of the arch top door. See an example of an installation on an arched door.
Installation On Double Hung Windows
For double hung windows with operable top and bottom sashes, Pro-Type Weatherstrip is installed on either side of the parting bead on each window jamb, the left and right sides of the window. The parting bead is the wooden piece on each jamb that runs vertically between the top and bottom sashes. The unnailed edge of the weatherstrip will be closest to the parting bead. If necessary, create D-Shaped cutouts in the weatherstrip, keeping the unnailed edge of the weatherstrip continuous, so that it does not interfere with the sash pulleys or tape balances being used to support the sashes.